Monday, January 16, 2012

Ariyana M and Sofia V

Ariyana and Sofia, welcome! You may begin your correspondence by writing your first letter in the comment box below.


  1. Hola Sofia,
    Me llama Ariyana. Tengo once años.¿Cuantos años tiene? Soy de Oakland
    California.¿De donde eres?Me gusta la natåcion,el pastel,el helado y el
    baloncesto.No me gusta el voleibol y tomates.Mi madre se llama Kimberly.
    Kimberly tiene veintiocho.Mi padre se llama Marcus.Marcus tiene treinta y tres
    Mi bisabuela se llama Shirley.Shirley tiene setenta y cuatro.¿Como se llama tu
    madre y padre?


    1. Hi Ariyana,

      I'm 11 years old.My favorite colors are purple and blue. What are your favorite colors?
      I like chinese food, paella and I love salads. I like basketball and soccer. I love travelling: I've been to Russia, N.Y., Paris and Portugal.
      My mother is from Russia and my father is from Spain.
      My grandma lives in N.Y. ( That's why I've been there)and my grandpa and great grandma live there too.
      My favorite subject is English, and yours?
      Who is your favorite singer?

      Sincerely, Sofia
