Monday, January 16, 2012

Victoria T and Emely M

Victoria and Emely,welcome! You may begin your correspondence by writing your first letter in the comment box below.


  1. ¡Hola! Me llamo Victoria. Soy de Oakland, California. Tengo once años, yo voy a ser doce en pocos meses. Mi hermana se llama Vivian, tiene quince años. Mi hermanose llama Jackie, tiene veintiuno anøs. Mi hermana se llama Dionna, tiene diecinuever años. Me gustan mushas cosas. Me gusta la fruita, el chocolate, el refresco, y pastel de crema de helado. No me gustan, muchas cosas. No me gusta el beisbol, y futbol norteamericano. De tods modos fue un placer conocerte. ¡Adios!

    1. Hello Victoria!, thanks for your e-mail.I am 12 years old,yesterday was my brithday.I have one brother and I will have an other sibling.My favorite food is pizza What is your favorite food? I don't like the vegetables.Do you have a pet? I don't like also football and baseball and the sport that I like is ghimnast rhytmic and also run What is your favorite sport?.It was also a pleasure to meet you. BYE BYE
      A hug
