Monday, January 16, 2012

Samuel T and Laura C.C.

Samuel and Laura,welcome! You may begin your correspondence by writing your first letter in the comment box below.


  1. Hola amiga
    Me llamo Sam
    Me tengo once anos
    Soy de Oakland,California
    Me gusta el sportes de futbol North Americano,la musica rap,el sports de beisbol y baloncesto
    No me gusta la musica pop y el sportes el futbol
    Mi madre llama Jennifer,tiene cuerenta y cinco anos
    Mi padre llamo Laurence ,tiene treinta y tres anos
    Mi hermano Malcolm,tiene trece anos.


    1. Hello Sam, i am Laura C.C
      Thanks you for your email. I am 11 years old,I do not have any brother or sister. My mother is 40 years old and my dad is 43 years old. My favourite food is pizza, pasta, hamburguer... I do not like vegetables. My favourite sports are: swimming and running. I also like tennis. I like Spring and Summer but I also like Winter because sometimes snows and in Winter is my birthday, in February. My aunt and uncle have a dog,Luna. She is very beautiful. Do you have brothers or sisters?
