Monday, January 16, 2012

Michael F and Adrian D

Michael and Adrian,welcome! You may begin your correspondence by writing your first letter in the comment box below.


  1. ihola amigo!

    Me llamo Michael.¿Como te llamas?Tengo doce años.¿Y tu?Soy de Oakland,California.¿De donde eres?Me gusta futbol de Norte Americano,futbol,la comida Chína y musica Hip-Hop.No me gusta la musica pop y, rock y roll.¿Y tu?Mi hermanos se llama Marion,John,Marco,Y Jaden.

    Hasta Pronto,

    Michael x)

    1. Hello my name is ADRIAN
      I am 11 years old I don´t have any brothers and sisters.My favourite sports is soccer amd my favorite team is REAL MADRID what is you favorite team? I like old music most of all the music of michel telo mosa, mosa asi ser te pego.
      in california is cold or hot?

      by by
